Photography and Videos

The term 'photography' in this procedure refers to both still image and video recording, on any device.

We will not allow general photography/taking of images in:

(a) Showers (b) Changing rooms (c) Toilets

  • You must not take photos or video of any children under 18 other than your own
  • During public sessions, the use of photographic equipment is prohibited in designated areas of the facility, including personal underwater cameras and recording equipment
  • Mobile phones must not be used to make or receive calls in changing areas, toilets or showers#You must respect the rights of other adult members when taking photos or video in other areas of the club by not intentionally taking photos or videos of others.
  • You will be requested to delete them if challenged.
  • If we believe that you may have taken a photo or video footage in a restricted area or have concerns with you taking photo or video footage elsewhere in the centre, we may ask you to show us the images taken and ask you to delete them if appropriate.
  • We reserve the right to use any individual or group photographs or movie shots of you for press or promotional purposes. However, where reasonably possible, we will ask you to sign a use of image rights form to consent to this usage.
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