Data that we may process

We will process some or all of the following personal data where necessary to perform our tasks:

  • names, titles, aliases, photographs
  • contact details such as telephone numbers, addresses, and email addresses
  • where they are relevant to the services provided by us, or where you provide them to us, we may process information such as gender, age, marital status, nationality, education, work history, academic/professional qualifications, hobbies, family composition, and dependants
  • where you pay for activities such as use of a council hall, financial identifiers such as bank account numbers, payment card numbers, payment/transaction identifiers, policy numbers and claim numbers
  • the personal data we process may include sensitive or other special categories of personal data such as criminal convictions, racial or ethnic origin, mental and physical health, details of injuries, medical/treatment received, political beliefs, trade union affiliation, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning and sexual life or orientation
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